Supportive Services

Serving NE Harris & East Montgomery Counties.

Supportive Services

Services designed to achieve lasting stability and well-being.

Supportive Services stand ready to assist individuals with more substantial needs, provided they meet the program requirements for the Unsheltered, Housing Stability Services, or Homelessness Prevention programs. These comprehensive services extend beyond the immediate, offering wrap-around assistance and referrals that address client needs on a sustained medium to long-term basis. 

Our commitment is not only to alleviate current challenges but to provide a robust framework for individuals to achieve lasting stability and well-being.

Below are some of the Supportive Services that HAAM offers:

HAAM Supportive Services

Unsheltered Program

Our Unsheltered Program offers assistance such as an outdoor shower facility, sack lunches, limited financial assistance, employment assistance, vital record assistance, community referrals, and case management.

Homelessness Prevention Program

Our Homelessness Prevention Program offers assistance with community referrals, limited financial assistance, and case management.

*Clients must meet qualifications to participate in the program and financial assistance is limited.