Essential social and community services

Providing Help & Hope to Northeast Harris & East Montgomery Counties, Every Day

HAAM is an interfaith social service organization that connects individuals and families to community resources. We help build stronger futures by inspiring hope.

HAAM Events

Join us in making an impact during one of our annual community events!

Achieving our mission

The Impacts of Our Efforts

HAAM is only able to achieve our mission of helping community residents in crisis with the continued support of generous people like you.  Take a look below to see the differences we have all made in this community.

Individuals received food assistance
Individuals were assisted through Housing programs
Individuals received Education & Employment services
Individuals were provided with Holiday meals
Volunteer with HAAM

Are you ready to pitch in?

Volunteering with HAAM

Volunteers serve a vital role in the daily operations of HAAM Social Services. The impact that our volunteers make in the lives of community members who seek assistance at HAAM is enormous. Most services at the social services building and our two resale stores are effectively performed by volunteers.

HAAM Social Services Will be Closed January 21 & 22 due to Inclement Weather